Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Incident of the Broken Glass and the Sharp Can

Emma waded along the river’s edge enjoying the sensation of warm mud squelching through her toes and the cool water running across her feet. She looked ahead, waving at her parents and continued to walk along the bank. Suddenly, Emma was shocked when she saw her right foot bleeding. Emma stepped into broken glass!! She limped back to the shore but she tripped over a can.”Ow!!”. When Emma finally found her parents, she whined to them, “My right foot hurts!!”they answered with a sigh, ”Looks like we have to go home and we didn’t have a snack!!”When they arrived home, her parents checked her right foot. “There’s some glass inside her foot!!”her mother gasped. “We need to take it out! Ow!!”Emma whined. Her father tried taking it out but he couldn’t. “It’s too deep! We might have to drive to the hospital tomorrow.” He sighed. The next day, they got ready. They arrived 15 minutes later. “Hello, folks. Now what’s the problem?” the doctor questioned. “My daughter has stepped into broken glass two days ago.” Her father answered. “Well, let’s take it out, shall we?” The doctor took one tool and said,” You lay down here, okay?”He carefully took the glass out and said,” There you go. You might need some bandage.”He wrapped the bandage around her right foot.”Take good care of it and take it out after two weeks.”The doctor said. After two weeks, she carefully took it out and her foot was looking good!”Wow!! It looks brand new!!” Emma exclaimed. “Well, we better not go to the river bank anymore.” Emma’s father said. “But they have the best ice-cream!!” Emma’s mother whined. “We’ll just go there to buy ice-cream!!” Emma exclaimed again. After one month, her parents and Emma went to the river bank and bought some ice-cream. “This ice-cream needs some sprinkles!!” complained Emma. “Alright then.” Sighed her father. “Can you add chocolate sprinkles to my daughter’s ice-cream please?” asked her father. “Okay, here you go.” the ice-cream man said and sprinkled.”Thank you.”Emma said. They went home and enjoyed the rest of their lives until they forgot that they’re not supposed to walk along the river bank anymore. The incident started again but this time she stepped into a sharp can!! “Ow!!” she cries. “Whatever is the matter here?” questioned her parents at the same time. “I stepped into a sharp can in my left foot!!”she answered. “Oh no!!It has a really big cut!!!We might have to go to the hospital and stitch it tomorrow.” her father said and sighed. “Stitch? Did you say ‘stitch’ dad?I don’t want to get stitched!!!!” cried Emma. “But does it hurt?” asked her mother. “Well, yes but I still don’t want to get stitched!!” she answered with a quiet shout. “Well, you need to face your fears. I know you don’t like it but you got to do it.” said her father. “Okay.” said Emma in a quiet voice. When they arrived at the hospital, the doctor looked surprised to see them come for the second time. “Well, hello again folks. Is it another incident with the foot?” asked the doctor. “Yes, but right now it’s the left foot. She got a big cut and it needs stitching.” her father said. “Let’s go this way. It might take time, you know.” the doctor said. When Emma was inside the stitching room, she slept on the kids bed. She has been put to sleep so she can’t feel it. After 20 minutes, they were done. “I think you need to use a wheelchair so it wouldn’t hurt.” the doctor said. Emma has never rid on a wheelchair before!!She was so excited and couldn’t control her temper. “Thank you, doctor.” Emma said gratefully. “I think after four weeks, it will heal and you don’t need to use the wheelchair anymore.” the doctor said with a chuckle. They headed home until four weeks came. When she looked at her left foot, there wasn’t any stitches!! It was completely gone!! “Wow!!I didn’t know it wouldn’t show!!” Emma shouted excitedly. “Well, should we move houses? Not one that is close to the river bank? We have enough money, you know.” asked her father. “Yes! Let’s go where there is a beach! Not a polluted one!!” Emma exclaimed. So they all packed all their stuff and moved houses. The house that they picked was really near the beach. They had a wonderful time.